Human Beats Up Monty! I made a very quick update where the human now beats up Monty if the player collides with the wandering human. This makes a lot more sense...
After a long winter break I decided to add a few tiny little updates: Attic GUI: There is now a stand-in GUI that shows check boxes for finding the saw and dyna...
This update fixes a few things: 1. I replaced the "spoon" with a pen. This way, the interaction makes more sense. The human tries to extort Monty and tells him...
Fire For this latest update I animated a torch using Piskel, and programmed the attic so that Monty actually holds the torch in his hands when he lights the box...
I just added my first update to Monty's overall look. I started working in Inkscape for a vector drawing, but decided I liked the shaggy nature of Monty's outli...
Tonight I learned how to create crafting animations for Adventure Game Studio! The Animation GUI process This first animation I added was for the helium tank to...
I just wanted to highlight a few updates to Monty's Birthday Bash: Verb Functionality After seeing a lot of players get extremely confused about what needed to...
I just completed the first step of overhauling the default UI elements that come with Adventure Game Studio. I not only changed the buttons on the top menu bar...