Cat Puzzle

This update comes with a cute little optional cat dialogue puzzle. I'm not giving anything away with the puzzle, but there is an internal logic to how you navigate through the dialogue tree in order to become friends with the cat and earn a simple "cat friend" badge. 

As a designer, I wanted to reward the player for talking to the "cat" by making the cat's tail wag. Designer's note: many websites state that when a cat wags it's tail it means it's anxious, but my cats have always cuddled above me on a chair and swooshed their tails against my face - while content. So when you talk to the cat, I gave it a tail swooshing idle animation. I was hoping that would encourage the player to talk to the cat again. If they do, I then rewarded them with a belly-showing roll, which cats also do when they're comfortable with a person. After talking to the cat a third time, the cat begins the dialogue puzzle with you.

I still don't know if the dialogue puzzle is TOO obvious. I have a few variations I may try, depending on how playtesting goes.

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