Some GUI Updates +

After a long winter break I decided to add a few tiny little updates:

Attic GUI: There is now a stand-in GUI that shows check boxes for finding the saw and dynamite. It's merely a stand-in at the moment while I decide how best to let the player know that they need to find a saw and dynamite in the attic.

New Speech Font: I installed a new font that's much better for reading. Hope this makes the experience much more enjoyable.

Updated Baloon/Attic sequence: I added an attic door that is visibly closed so the player shouldn't think they can go into the upstairs attic. After completing the balloon puzzle, the balloons float up, disturb a cat-like creature, and then the creature runs away, into the attic, knocking the door open. This should be an indication to the player that they can now enter the attic.

Fixed Cat Reset: I actually added the attic door and the cat a while ago, but forgot to make a devlog.  I fixed the bug where if you die from getting hit by the human, the attic door resets AND the cat goes back to its original location.

Still to do: I really really really want to make a quick "human beats Monty" animation when you run into the Human, and will hopefully do that soon. Monty currently blows up which doesn't make any sense, however, it was the only Monty death animation I had on hand. 

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42 days ago

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